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Marin Jovanovic is an Associate Professor at the department of operations management at Copenhagen Business School and a visiting scholar at Luleå University of Technology. His research interests include the digital transformation of manufacturing, maritime, and healthcare sectors, platform ecosystems in the business-to-business context, and artificial intelligence. Marin serves as an editorial review board member for JPIM and JBR.

Paavo Ritala is a Professor of Strategy and Innovation at LUT School of Business and Management (LBM). His main research themes include ecosystems and platforms, the role of data and digital technologies in organizations, collaborative innovation, sustainable business models, and circular economy. Paavo is the Co-Editor-in-Chief for R&D Management, and serves in the Editorial Review Board of Journal of Product Innovation Management.

Lucas Miehé is a researcher in the Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics at ETH Zurich. In his research, Lucas focuses on business opportunities and innovation strategies at the firm level during the energy transition. He studies ecosystem designs and how firms collaborate across traditional industry boundaries. In doing so, Lucas explores the perspectives of different actors (orchestrators, complementors), governance mechanisms, and enabling technologies. He uses positivist and interpretive qualitative research methods.

Rodrigo Rabetino is a Professor in the Strategic Business Development research group and VEBIC research platform. His current research focuses on servitization, business intelligence, and strategy-as-practice.

Nicola Staub is a research associate and PhD student at the University of St.Gallen (HSG) in Switzerland. His research focuses on the evolutionary dynamics and guidance of digital platform ecosystems in a B2B context. In particular, he is currently working on the particularities of acquisitions and their implications in platform markets.

Hakan Ozalp is an Assistant Professor of Strategy at Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam. Hakan holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration and Management and an MSc in Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology from Bocconi University, and a BSc in Management Engineering from Istanbul Technical University. Previously he worked at VU Amsterdam, LMU Munich, and Leeds University Business School. His research explores the antecedents and the impact of industrial and technological change on platform ecosystems, firms, and innovation-based competition taking place within these ecosystems and across firms. He taught and coordinated various courses on innovation, strategy, and research methods.

Daniel Trabucchi is an Assistant Professor in the area of Innovation Management at the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano, where he is also a member of LEADIN' Lab, the Laboratory for Leadership, Design and Innovation. He has two main areas of research and teaching: platform thinking and the human side of innovation (with strong focuses on engagement and agile methods to make innovation happen, within the research platform IDeaLs). He co-founded Symplatform, the symposium on digital platforms that aims to foster a constructive discussion among scholars and practitioners.

Marcus Holgersson is Associate Professor at the Entrepreneurship and Strategy division and Vice Head of Department with responsibility for education at the Department of Technology Management and Economics. His research and teaching deal with management, economics, and strategies of innovation and intellectual property. Holgersson's research is published in, e.g., California Management Review, Long Range Planning, R&D Management, and Technovation. Holgersson has received multiple awards and scholarships, including the Wallander scholarship (2013), Chalmers Pedagogic Prize (2014), the Honorary Prize from students in Industrial Engineering and Management (2017), and the Best Teacher Award in Industrial Engineering and Management (2018 and 2021). He has held visiting positions at University of Gothenburg, Stanford University, and UC Berkeley.

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Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School @CBScph Research on #digitaltransformation #businessmodels #AI #deeptech #platforms #ecosystems #publichealth
Daniel Trabucchi is Senior Assistant Professor at the School of Management, Politecnico di Milano. His latest works deal with “Platform Thinking”, the transformation approach that see in platforms the tool to foster innovation in established firms.
Senior Researcher at ETH Zurich
Dr. Rodrigo Rabetino is a Professor of Strategy in the School of Management and the Vaasa Energy Business Innovation Centre at the University of Vaasa. His research concerns servitization, product-service systems, business models, and ecosystems.
Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
Juliana is the Professor of Operations Management & Supply Chain Management at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and Concentration Coordinator of CBS MSc Supply Chain Management. home page: www.cbs.dk/en/staff/jhom
Innovation Management and Platform Ecosystem Researcher
Assistant Professor at Uni.Brescia on operations, supply chain and service management. ViceDirector at ASAP Research Center, a leading industry-academia community fostering culture and excellence in service management and servitization.
Professor of Strategy & Innovation at LUT University, Finland.
Associate Professor at the Department of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology
I am an assistant professor at the Amsterdam Business School (University of Amsterdam).
I am Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School with researh interest in product, service and data integration as well as management and analytics. Program Coordinator for the CBS MSc EBA - General Management and Analytics Program.
I am a PhD Fellow at Copenhagen Business School. My research focuses on digital technological change in organizations driven by emerging technologies. I am interested in the communicative constitution of organization, temporality and future-making.
Researching the intersection between business models and modularity.
Andreas Hein is head of the digital platforms & e-government research group at TUM and has three years of experience as a Senior Strategy Consultant at IBM. His work has appeared, among others, in JSIS, ISJ, EJIS, EM, and BISE.